Difficulty Level - Medium
Learning Curve - 3-8 days
Variations - Three
Imagine how amusing it would be to ask “Who ate the last piece of pie?” Only for everyone to turn around and see your dog acting ashamed. Well now you can, we show you how to teach your dog three variations of ‘Act Ashamed.’
To teach your dog tricks, you need to have completed and bulletproofed basic obedience, manners and expected behaviours such as 'Sit', 'Down', 'Sit-Stay', Down-Stay’, 'Leave It', 'Focus' and Calm training. A fun, entertaining behaviour can be just as beneficial to your dog's health and happiness as these basics; everything your dog learns builds on previous training. This makes it easier for your dog to learn more advanced skills later. While it is easiest and best to start training your dog when they are young, there is no age at which a dog cannot be taught new things.
What You Need
To begin teaching your dog to act ashamed you need a few basic tools; a flat collar, a 4-6' lead and a loaded treat bag are all essential. Treats are key to a positive training experience; use treats of varying values (low to high) as rewards for your dog exhibiting wanted behaviours.
Beyond the physical you need to want to teach your dog; calmness, patience and consistency are also essential. Your dog has evolved to please you. There is nothing they do out of spite. They want to please, if they don’t it is simply because they do not yet fully understand what you want or what is expected of them.
If you become frustrated, angry, disappointed or your dog seems bored or unfocused immediately finish on a positive note and go and play a game, take a walk or sit and watch the sunset together.

Remember Calmness, Patience, Consistency and Repetition are Key
To learn how to teach your dog to 'Act Ashamed' come find us on Facebook:
Outback Dog Training Group.
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