The superstar of the Outback training
videos, Koji the Siberian Husky is the ‘baby’ of the family at 1.5 years of age. Born in
South Australia to an Australian mum and a Canadian dad, Koji is of
show stock (Dad was a US/Canadian Champion, and Mum is no slouch
Totally untrained and horribly skittish when he came into the family at 7 months, Koji has come ahead in leaps and bounds, and has bonded well with Akuma, Tenshi and his people. These days he not only comes for a cuddle when called, he will wander up and demand a cuddle in no uncertain terms.
Unlike his brothers he is not a fan of games, although he is coming around to the joys of a good game of 'Tug'. Unlike Tenshi and Akuma, who love the water, Koji is distinctly unhappy with the idea of a swim, although if the sprinklers are on, he will happily dance in them all day long. He adores riding in the car; if the ute comes out, he'd better be coming along. Words shall be had otherwise...
Totally untrained and horribly skittish when he came into the family at 7 months, Koji has come ahead in leaps and bounds, and has bonded well with Akuma, Tenshi and his people. These days he not only comes for a cuddle when called, he will wander up and demand a cuddle in no uncertain terms.
Unlike his brothers he is not a fan of games, although he is coming around to the joys of a good game of 'Tug'. Unlike Tenshi and Akuma, who love the water, Koji is distinctly unhappy with the idea of a swim, although if the sprinklers are on, he will happily dance in them all day long. He adores riding in the car; if the ute comes out, he'd better be coming along. Words shall be had otherwise...
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