The most important command, focus can not be strong enough. This command is the glue that holds all the other commands together. A strong focus begins to turn everyday distractions into white noise, allowing your dog to better focus on you. When your dog is focused on you it is better able to deal with distractions, listen to and execute commands.CALM TRAINING
Like focus, calm training works across the board. Calm training flows through all commands and all interactions your dog has; its very presence has a positive effect on your dog’s decision making. Remember an overstimulated dog makes bad decisions and bad behaviour ensues, a calm dog makes good decisions and good behaviours follow…LEAVE IT
Really needs to be strong, look at the last two videos in my ‘Leave It’ series, they are examples of a leave after it’s been bulletproofed. This is the third most important command for a great recall/off lead dog.RECALL
This is the simplest of the commands needed for recall, after all it’s just a command to get your dog to come to you, something a pup does instinctively. This is the command where people make their biggest mistake. They overestimate recall’s importance and underestimate what is really needed to make this simple command work.For free training videos & advice come see us at:
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