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Showing posts from May, 2018

How Long to Use Potty Pads?

Potty pads, it's not about how long you should use them, it's always about why you shouldn't. How long should I use potty pads for?

The Four Components of a Solid Recall

FOCUS The most important command, focus can not be strong enough. This command is the glue that holds all the other commands together. A strong focus begins to turn everyday distractions into white noise, allowing your dog to better focus on you. When your dog is focused on you it is better able to deal with distractions, listen to and execute commands. CALM TRAINING Like focus, calm training works across the board. Calm training flows through all commands and all interactions your dog has; its very presence has a positive effect on your dog’s decision making. Remember an overstimulated dog makes bad decisions and bad behaviour ensues, a calm dog makes good decisions and good behaviours follow… LEAVE IT Really needs to be strong, look at the last two videos in my ‘Leave It’ series, they are examples of a leave after it’s been bulletproofed. This is the third most important command for a great recall/off lead dog. RECALL This is the simplest of the commands need...

Training the Trainer

 Koji conducting a training session... For free training videos & advice come see us at:

Husky Photobomb

Let me just squeeze in for a minute bro, after all me is the star of all the free # dogtraining videos our hooman does. Join Us for free help and advice at: Facebook YouTube

My Dogs....

I hope my # Dogs know, They are what my # Dreams are made of... Come see us at:

My Dog Obeys Me At Home, But Not Anywhere Else, What Can I Do?

 We’ve all done it - gotten our dog to obey us 100% at home, only to fail completely elsewhere.  This video looks at why this happens, and how to fix it. If you want more information, or have other training or behavioural issues you want advice on, please visit our Facebook group:

New Video - Bonking Your Dog

This video looks at the practice of ‘bonking’ dogs.  This is a draconian technique involving both throwing and hitting your dog with a tightly wound and taped towel to correct unwanted behaviours. Not only is this technique flawed because it is based on old disproved domination techniques, it can in fact cause and/or worsen timid, anxious and aggressive behaviours in your dog. We look at not only the force that a rolled up and taped towel can actually produce, both thrown and held, but also the aggressive reaction of dogs being threatened with it.

Visit us on YouTube

For free tips and advice on dog training and behavior, please visit our YouTube channel at:

Outback Dog Training Has a Facebook Group!

Our new dog training and advice group is now officially open.  We offer general advice on dog training, as well as specific training for a number of training issues and dog behavioral problems. If you or someone you know has a dog and would like free advice, training tips and training videos connect with us here.

Food Aggression

First Post

Outback Dog Training began as a collection of training videos featuring Koji the Siberian husky, with his 'big brothers' Akuma (left) & Tenshi (middle) making guest appearances.  Koji was rescued at 7 months of age, totally untrained, and has since become the superstar of Outback Dog Training. Troy, the human component of the Outback Dog Training team is a proponent of 'balanced training'. While Troy is not a certified trainer, he has been involved with training dogs since childhood, and has worked extensively with working dogs and shelter dogs of all breeds, temperaments and ages and has experience in dealing with a wide range of behavioural issues. In addition to specific training videos, Outback Dog Training also seeks to answer questions posed by dog owners; these can be found in the Q&A playlist on our YouTube channe l. If you have a question or need advice, please join our Facebook group ‘Outback Dog Training’ and we will make every e...